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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Visiting the Major Landmarks

Wow, what a day! I went on lots and lots of tours today. First, I boarded a bus and began a panoramic tour of London. Along the way, I saw lots of trendy shops that I want to visit including Topshop, Harrods and some yummy looking bakeries. We saw a major protest taking place in the streets which is totally nothing I have ever experienced. Our bus tour was rerouted because the protest was so big. As the tour progressed, we went to the beautiful Buckingham Palace. I was so excited to see the Queen's home and all the surroundings. Unfortunately, the Queen was not it but it was still awesome nonetheless. The pond next the the palace was cute and reminded me of 101 Dalmatians. As the tour progressed I saw Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral and the London Tower Bridge. A couple of the aforementioned sites were only seen from the bus so my photos aren't as great as I would like, but I'll be heading back to take better ones in the coming days. While on the tour and stuck in traffic, everyone on the bus decided to look out the window at a beautiful hotel. Right before our eyes Jon Bon Jovi came waltzing down the stairs waving at everyone and got right into his van. I hope this is a sign that I will soon see more famous people. We were all shocked at how young Bon Jovi looked. I wish I had been able to snap a photo but it all just happened so fast. One of my favorite accomplishments of the day was making my first phone call from a red phone booth. I felt like I was in a movie making the call. It was the most fun phone call that I have ever made (you should feel honored mom :) ) Check back tomorrow and I will hopefully have some videos posted.

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