Welcome to My Adventure

I hope you enjoy your visit!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Tomorrow is the big day! As I gather all of my clothes and other travel necessities, I cannot help but wonder what London will be like. I imagine lots of people walking around, an abundance of public transportation, and lots of fantastic shopping. I will soon know if these pictures I have painted in my mind are realistic or far from it. I am really looking forward to trying lots of local restaurants, bakeries and touring all the sites. I picture lots of outdoor markets and gardens overflowing with color. I do realize however, that one adventure of this trip will be making the journey to London. I have already begun the journey of packing. Taking countless things out of my bag to meet weight requirements, was an adventure in and of itself. The flight, customs, and making the trip to my flat will all be part of "Exploring the United Kingdom". I cannot wait until I can write all about my journey and my impression of London from the second I set foot in the country. I hope you will all join me on this great exploration and I'll do my best to share photos, information about attractions and what it's like adjusting to a new culture. I'm off to continue my preparations, but I'll be back tomorrow!

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