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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Classes Have Begun

Classes began yesterday and boy was it crazy! I had class off and on from 8:30 in the morning to 5 at night. In between this crazy schedule I found some time to attempt homework, but not a lot of time. A presentation was assigned in my first class that was to be done in groups and due Wednesday. Needless to say, I spent a good portion of the day reading up on William the Conqueror and the Norman invasion of England. This type of course work is not what I am used to, nor is it what I am particularly interested in. I anticipate this course to get better and I know it should because the entire school is taking it. Two of my other courses are communications courses. I feel a bit more at home in these courses with paper assignments and communications-based presentation topics. My fourth class is a marketing class. I think I am really going to enjoy the nature of this class because it is very practical. Devising marketing plans, giving presentations on a communication topic and even learning some British ways of doing things sounds quite interesting to me. I am looking forward to digging deeper into the semester, but getting started is always a bit of a rocky road. Speaking of, I really miss American ice cream. The food here is, well, slightly less than desirable. I have yet to enjoy good ice cream, but I know for a fact that I can find some in London this weekend. I am thinking that Harrod's gelato shop will definitely be in order. Tomorrow I have a bit of an easier day seeing that my afternoon is open. I can definitely put that time to good use, seeing as though the homework is beginning to pile up. I promise in the next few days (Sunday possibly) to have pictures that are a bit more exciting that books. It is hard to find time to go outside and explore when I am either in class or studying. Because my dorm, dining hall and classes are all in the same building I have to make a special trip to go outside. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to make it outside and get some fresh air! I am off to bed!


Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Last Day of Summer Break

Classes begin tomorrow and I have mixed feelings on that issue. While I am excited to start the new semester, I only ended my 18 credit summer semester less than a month ago. I am looking forward to both communications courses and my marketing course. The group of professors at Harlaxton seem to be a good bunch. The main aspect of my studies here at the manor, British Studies, is said to be the most intense and time consuming course. Because it is worth 6 credits, there is a lot of work to be done. I do however think that I lucked out with the professor that I have because she seems like a lot of fun. Only time will tell, but I should have a good grasp on things after tomorrow. Aside from anticipating the arrival of my final undergraduate fall semester, today was filled with more exploration. After having brunch, my new friends and I set out to take some pictures. When we arrived outside we were met with crazy amounts of wind and brisk cool air. (keep that in mind when viewing the photos) When the photo shoot had ended, we returned to my room to plan our school trip to London. Thursday evening, all who are interested, will head to London for the weekend. Once we arrive, we are free to do as we please. I was excited to talk to my friends and tell them about all the wonderful places to visit. I am confident that we put together a wonderful itinerary and I will be sure to share all about the trip next week. This evening after dinner we had a relaxing night just watching a movie. I'd better rest up to prepare for tomorrow!


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Harlaxton Manor

After hours of traveling by car, plane and coach, I have finally arrived at the beautiful Harlaxton Manor. This beautiful castle-like manor will serve as my school and home for the next four months. Once my coach reached the grand entrance of the manor, we were all greeted by the principal of the college. Upon entering this grand mansion, we were shuttled to a beautiful room to pick up our room assignment and orientation packet. I immediately tore into my packet and found that I was assigned a large corner room in the manor. After enjoying a delicious baguette sandwich for lunch, I began the journey to my room. I climbed several flights of stairs, walked through multiple doors and down various hallways to finally end up at my door. When I unlocked my door and walked in I was blown away by the size of my room. After living in close quarters this summer, with five other girls, I could not believe my eyes when I walked into a huge room that I only share with two others. Included in my princess suite is a couch, a large vanity and a beautiful view of the manor. The weather here has been so wonderful thus far. A high of 65 with a sunny sky is close to perfect weather for me! Today I began the day with a welcoming convocation in a beautiful room called the Long Gallery. After convocation, I had to attend two hours of basic orientation and I felt like I was attending freshman orientation all over again. In the afternoon, I made my way to the nearby town of Grantham to buy some necessities. After exploring the town for a few hours, I headed back to the manor to get ready for the Principal's High Table Dinner. This dinner was a fancy occasion and modeled after traditional meals at Oxford and Cambridge. Having been to a real high table dinner at Oxford University, I must say my experience at tonight's meal was a bit different. The differences were not necessarily a bad thing because this dinner was much more comfortable than the Oxford meal. When I ate at Oxford it was very strict and I feared I would mess up. Once dinner had ended and all the faculty had been introduced, all 130 students were free for the evening. Because I have been so blessed to have the large princess sweet, my room has become the hang out. Tonight was fun just hanging out with new friends in my room and even doing a bit more exploring around the manor. So far I have found a few hidden spiral staircases and several moving walls, but the adventure has only just begun! As for now, I am in desperate need of sleep!

More tomorrow!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Back to England I Go!

Today is the day! I am leaving shortly to head to the airport to begin my semester's journey abroad. While I did spend three weeks in London this summer, this adventure is going to be considerably different. For starters, I will not be in London. I will spend my fall semester at Harlaxton College, which is actually over an hour north of the city. During my stay, I will be taking courses and embarking on a variety of trips both around England and visiting some of the surrounding countries. I will update my blog whenever I have something exciting to share, but I don't think my daily life will contain near the excitement that it did in London. (sorry to disappoint!)

For now, I am off to Chicago where my journey begins! I'll be back later to post about my travel adventures.
