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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Nice Relaxing Day

Today was different than any of the other days that I have been in London. I had a lot of free time to manage as I pleased. I began the morning with coffee as usual and headed out to the CAPA house, which is the company this program is through. After leaving CAPA, I ventured to Imperial College in search of the supposed "cheap" food that us students were allowed access to. Arriving at the college was rather uneventful and disappointing at that. A thirty minute journey for a $6.00 sandwich is not what I call ideal for a college student. It was a great journey nonetheless and I was able to grocery shop along the way. After leaving the store, I headed to a bakery that I found online a few months ago. It is called the Hummingbird Bakery and are known for cupcakes. Anyone who doesn't already know, I must inform you I am a bit of a cupcake fanatic so this place was high on my to do list. The bakery was very tiny, but absolutely darling. A large glass case displayed an array of flavors from chocolate with yellow frosting to a black bottom consisting of chocolate cake filled with chocolate chip cheese cake and cream cheese frosting. I couldn't help myself but to indulge in the black bottom. After a nice afternoon rest, I caught the Tube and headed into the city for class. Tonight was a bit different as we did not spend class in a pub, but rather in one of the most prestigious business schools in the country, Cass Business School. This school has a tremendous reputation and draws students from all over the world. A new facility was built not long ago, but the school has grown so much that the building has become too small. In the multi-level glass high rise there are several classrooms, meeting rooms, and lots of offices. The halls and lounges are bursting with students of all nationalities. It was truly amazing to see people from such different cultures coming together for the same purpose. After touring the beautiful facility, we all piled into a meeting room and got to talk with a student from Sweden about what going to Cass is like. He was eager to inform the class that the social life at the school is extremely strong and that all students love to have a good time. Aside from partying in London, the student also shared with us what the school is like. He told us about some very difficult courses and others where procrastination takes the front seat. I was surprised when he shared with us that he has no intentions of returning to Sweden and hopes to one day work in London. He did share with us that he would like to work in the States on Wall Street, but because of the current bail out and regulations no foreign students are being hired. It amazes me the amount of people eager to come to the U.S. when I find this city bursting with charm, history, and endless opportunity. I can honestly say I'd be more than happy to live and work here. It is really just a wonderful place with so much to offer.

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